Deep Dive Submissions

Thank you for your interest in the TENx10 Deep Dive Submission process! We are excited to dream with you about how to address the drift of young people away from the Church.

Submit a Deep Dive Proposal! More information below.

Submit your proposal

We see you as a key partner and innovator in this work.

We want to amplify your reach nationally and across denominations to a diverse audience of ministry leaders who are searching for high-quality resources to transform their ministry. In order to help you prepare the best proposal possible, we will be holding webinars on How to Create a Deep Dive.

We previously hosted a webinar to talk on how to create a Deep Dive.

How to Create a Deep Dive Webinar Recording

Watch the Recording now
Password: gMrY@gZ3

Submitting a Proposal

Each organization will be limited to 2 proposals total for this submission window. We have created the following submission guide and template with all of the information needed to craft your proposal. Proposals will close on July 15. Final communication regarding acceptance of proposals will be sent no later than August 1.

Submit your Proposal

Proposal Process

Download our proposal guide to find all the information needed to craft your proposal. Use our proposal template to create your proposal.

Submission Guide

You will find a PDF that has all of the information you need to submit a Deep Dive. If you are ready to jump in, you can start here.

Frequently Asked Questions

We're collaborating by changing the conversation, creating and curating resources, convening leaders, and catalyzing a movement to change the landscape of youth discipleship with leading organizations throughout the country.

Download the FAQ