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TENx10 Slide Deck
Access the slide deck we use at gatherings and events.

The Great Opportunity
Commissioned by Pinetops Foundation, The Great Opportunity attempts to answer the question, “If you could do anything to help the church be more fruitful over the next 30 years, what would it be?”

The Open Generation
The Open Generation project is the largest study Barna has ever conducted in its 38-year history, created to help church leaders better understand teenagers around the world.

Modeling the Future of Religion in America
If recent trends in religious switching continue, Christians could make up less than half of the U.S. population within a few decades.

Senior Pastors' Perspective on Young People
Commissioned by TENx10 to help us better understand the questions senior church leaders are asking related to teenagers, the enthusiasm and concerns they have about youth ministry, and the types of resourcing their church needs to make forward progress.

Example Question
Sample Answer Text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lobortis aliquam ligula, feugiat interdum sem. Vestibulum blandit, turpis vitae dapibus tincidunt, tortor nulla dapibus enim, ut pellentesque sem lacus vitae nunc. Integer ut nulla enim. Fusce pellentesque, nisl nec eleifend porta, augue lorem gravida est, et mollis massa diam non est. Proin condimentum, ligula id rhoncus euismod, ligula urna finibus risus, vel rutrum dui enim vel massa. Fusce volutpat felis a massa gravida, et imperdiet turpis efficitur. Sed volutpat maximus ex, et porta massa sagittis id. Maecenas ac dui lacinia, facilisis mi ac, elementum elit. Duis eu volutpat nibh, vel posuere nibh. Aenean efficitur quam justo, ut vulputate lorem auctor a. Vestibulum viverra et massa et pretium. Donec quis nunc nisi. Fusce quis aliquam turpis, vel dapibus augue.

What is the TENx10 Movement?
The TENx10 movement seeks to make faith matter more for 10 million young people in the next 10 years.
Form Letter
Social Media Assets

It Started with 12
Do you want to make a tangible impact on young people and the future of the Church? We have the opportunity to continue what Jesus did starting with 12 Disciples! And now it continues with us! Check out @TENx10colllab for more information! #TENx10 #TENx10collab #makefaithmattermore

Bring our young people back to faith
ATTENTION! Young people are rapidly leaving their faith – 1 Million every year! Join @TENx10collab and partner with them in making faith matter to 1 Million young people per year! #TENx10 #TENx10collab #makefaithmattermore

We want to partner with you
We want to partner with YOU in helping faith matter to the next generation of the Church! We will be stronger together! Check out how you can partner with @TENx10collab when they launch on October 10th! #TENx10 #TENx10collab #makefaithmattermore

Make faith a national priority
Do you know a youth pastor, leader, or volunteer? If so, tell them about @TENx10collab! Check out their page for more information about making faith matter again to young people! #TENx10 #TENx10collab #makefaithmattermore

Young people are leaving their faith
@TENx10collab is launching a national campaign to bring back 1 million young people to their faith per year! YOUxUS can make this possible! #TENx10 #TENx10collab #makefaithmattermore

TENx10 Collaboration
@TENx10collab has resources and a mission to see 1 million young people come back to their faith per year! Want to join them in this important mission!? Head to their page for more information! #TENx10 #TENx10collab #makefaithmattermore

TENx10 collaboration
@TENx10collab has resources and a mission to see 1 million young people come back to their faith per year! Want to join them in this important mission!? Head to their page for more information! #TENx10 #TENx10collab #makefaithmattermore

The Relational Discipleship Inventory (RDI) is a concise, five-minute assessment designed to highlight your ministry’s strengths and areas for growth. This Inventory helps you measure the evolving impact of your discipleship efforts and provides the tailored support you need to become even more effective.

Our free Relational Discipleship Kickstart (RDK) is a comprehensive process to equip you with the insights and tools necessary for fostering a Jesus-centered discipleship approach. Featuring world-class research, Scripture explorations, video training from seasoned leaders, and practical worksheets, the RDK provides you with the tools needed to craft a personalized discipleship plan in your ministry’s unique context.

Quick Tips
Quick Tips are short, one-page guides that offer the practical wisdom of experienced leaders to help you tackle your toughest ministry challenges. After completing the Personalized Tool Quiz, we’ll connect you with Quick Tips that offer immediate, actionable guidance for your specific ministry context.

Deep Dives
These partner-led learning journeys enable you to develop in the 7 Discipleship Emphases (DEs).

Faith Foundations
Our Faith Foundations series addresses the critical need for relevant, foundational Christian teachings for young people in today's world. Through engaging videos and discussion guides, this resource sparks a theological dialogue between young people and their mentors, bridging the gap between ancient truths and everyday life.